Are you a boba tea lover addict like me? If the answer is yes, then I have great news for you. Today I shall talk about an exotic drink you will either fall in love with or won’t like. That drink is none other than Taro milk tea!
So, how does taro milk tea taste? The taste of taro is unique, uncommon, and hard to describe. It tastes nutty and grainy. But in reality, it tastes much more complex. So I request you to go through this article to learn more about this wonderful ingredient.
Even if you haven’t tried it yet, you probably have heard of it on the internet or through friends and family, or you could’ve seen it on the menu of your favorite boba place. So let’s see what all the hype is about! There is a reason why everyone is talking about it. But how does taro milk tea taste? Keep reading to find out.
What is Taro?
When people say taro, they refer to the roots of the Taro plant. Taro is an exotic plant that originated in Asia. It is one of the oldest crops known to and harvested by us humans. It has been a major part of many cultures’ diets worldwide.
Almost the entire plant is edible, but in some species, the leaves and stalks are thrown away as they sometimes cause an uncomfortable reaction to some. If you have never tried taro, think of it as a cousin of the humble potato.
Taro is starchy and sweet, if not sweeter than sweet potatoes. Its texture is somewhat grainy. It comes in 3 primary colors, white, pink, and purple. Often the taro milk teas contain added color to enhance their beauty of it.
What Does Taro Milk Tea Taste Like?
Taro is an acquired taste. Those who love it love it for its wonderfully warm and nutty flavor. You will either love it or hate it.
Taro roots taste different based on where they were grown and harvested, and their preparation methods also determine their taste.
Think of Taro as a blank canvas, meaning taro can absorb flavor into it. Its taste is bland and nutty. Think of almonds and walnuts. Some describe the taste as similar to vanilla, with notes of nuts and beans. At the same time, others describe it as similar to sweet potatoes and pumpkin. You have to try it out to figure out its taste.
Expect a warm, nutty taste with a grainy and thick consistency. It is always best to pair it with a tea you love as it can absorb the tea flavors very well. Moreover, if you have it made with milk or cream, it will develop a wonderful creamy dairy flavor that is truly unique. My favorite Taro Milk Tea is Taro with Regular Milk Tea and boba and coconut jelly.
How is Taro Milk Tea Made?
If you are talking about the commercially made Taro milk teas, the ones sold in boba tea shops are all made from Taro powder.
What is Taro powder?
Taro powder is made from the roots of the Taro plant. First, the roots are harvested. They are then cleaned and peeled, after which they are boiled. Once they are soft, they are mashed and then dehydrated and powdered.
This powder is the base for any Taro milk teas. Taro milk teas contain just a few basic ingredients, mainly:
- Taro Powder
- Tea leaves
- Milk
- Sweeteners
- Boba pearls
- Addons and flavorings.
Almost all the boba teas you’ll find are variations of these main ingredients. The result is a thick grainy drink.

If you want to make Taro milk tea at home, you can follow two methods:
Homemade Taro Milk Tea with Taro Powder
To make Taro Milk Tea with Taro Powder in the comfort of your home, you will need a few things.
- Taro Powder (you can find it at health food shops, supermarkets, and online)
- Tea leaves (your favorite one, green tea, and regular tea are good options)
- Hot water (to infuse the tea leaves)
- Milk
- Sugar or honey
- Boba Pearls.
First, make a batch of tea with your favorite choice of tea. Next, mix 2 tbsp of Taro Powder into it. You can add more if you want a thicker tea. Next, you can add milk or even condensed milk. Evaporated milk is also a good option for its deep milky taste. Lastly, add sweeteners such as sugar, cane sugar, or even honey for a rich, warm flavor and mix it all. Finish it with boba pearls, jello, or even pudding chunks.
Homemade Taro Milk Tea with Fresh Taro
Things you will need:
- A blender
- A strainer
- Your choice of tea leaves
- Taro roots
- Sweeteners
- Hot water
- Your favorite add-ons
First and foremost, you need to boil the taro roots. Clean and chop up the Taro roots into chunks and boil them. You can cut them into smaller pieces to reduce the boiling time. Next, wait till the roots are mashable and soft. Strain the chunks out and blend them into a smooth paste. You can optionally use a fine-mesh sieve or filter to make the end product less grainy. Next, make your tea, add sweeteners and add-ons and then add your Taro paste. More if you want a thicker consistency and less for a more runny drink.
Now let us see what it tastes like.
Answering Some FAQ
What is Taro Milk Tea?
Taro Milk Tea is not necessarily a tea because you can make it without adding any tea to it. Taro Milk tea served in restaurants is taro powder mixed with milk or dairy products, sweeteners, and add-ons. However, even if it is made with tea, the tea usually added is very small.
Does Taro Milk Tea have caffeine?
No, unless the drink you ordered has tea added to it. Most of the time, the commercially made Taro Milk Teas are flavored with tea flavorings, not the actual tea. And even if actual tea is added to it, the amounts are so small that the caffeine becomes negligible.
Is taro sweet?
Yes, Taro roots are naturally very mildly sweet. Think of the sweetness of Sweet Potatoes.
Why is Taro Purple/Pink?
Taro roots are not naturally that purple or pink. They, however, have slight purple and brown spots on the inside. The commercially available Taro Powder usually has added colors to it.
Are Taro roots and Ube the same?
Despite both of them looking similar in shape, size, and color, Ube and Taro Roots are not the same. They are both roots, but Ube is much sweeter and more vibrant in color than Taro Roots. Taro Roots, on the other hand, are more starchy and grainy when compared to Ube. Taro Roots taste similar to sweet potatoes while Ube tastes similar to yams.
Health benefits of Taro Milk Tea?
While taro is a super healthy food, Taro Milk tea isn’t that healthy because of added sugars, carbs, and extra calories. Taro roots are high in fiber, minerals, and vitamins. It is known to help control blood sugar levels, improve digestion and reduce the chances of developing heart-related diseases.
Can you have Taro Milk Tea if you are lactose intolerant?
Yes, as Taro Milk Tea can be made from non-dairy milk like almond, soy, coconut oatmeals, etc.
To Conclude
I hope this article has excited you to try out Taro Milk Tea if you haven’t already. Feel free to share your first experience having Taro Milk Tea with me, and email me your favorite combinations of Taro Milk Tea so I can try them! Thank you, and have an amazing day! Cheers!

Eva M. Smith is the owner of this website. She is a 4 year old mother of two kids and a professional chef. Eva loves to cook for her family, but being a working mom has a lot of challenges. From squeezing in time to do the groceries to make three meals for the day. Eva knows how challenging cooking can be without a kitchen game plan.
That’s why she perfected techniques of preserving staple ingredients and several foods so that you have something pre-cooked or pre-baked to use for an array of meals. And they do not come short in flavor! And she does not want to sacrifice flavor with convenience. That’s why she is the best person to ask.